when trying to balance it all falls apart

When Trying To “Balance” It All – Falls Apart

female business owners mom work life work from home work life balance

The Circus Act of Trying To Balance It All


In attempts to keep pushing us all to “balance it all”, we feel we may actually have done the opposite. As women in business, we have seen a common thread throughout our years venturing through the work field. The prospect of having it “all”–and balancing that “all”–is shrugged off as impossible. When people find we are both wives and mothers, we can often be met with surprise, and sometimes even shame. But gone are the days where women *have to* pick one or the other: motherhood or entrepreneurial achievements. While we are hopeful that more and more mamas like ourselves are breaking this stigma over time, it certainly doesn’t make it a walk in the park. And while it’s a walk we both walk with extreme thankfulness and honor, we could not do it without help. They say “It takes a village to raise a child”. This is absolutely true! But it also takes a village to support a mother. So think of this blog as your virtual “village”  Below we are sharing our encouragement on owning your roles–unapologetically and sustainably.

Work + Life Integration

Creating boundaries for ourselves creates higher standards for those we lead and those who follow in our footsteps.

We have been ruminating over this realization recently. The reality is, we learn boundaries by those who have lead us–personally and professionally. When they set boundaries like a champion, it shows us a beautifully balanced life, and pushes us forward to wanting to walk those very footsteps. When they fail to set boundaries at all, we may see an overwhelmed, overtired, over extended life–learning exactly what we don’t want for our own lives. Either way, we learn by seeing, then by doing. In work life, some may feel pressure to hide the roles they have at home, and vise versa. But why should we have to hide all the parts of ourselves that make us who we are and what we are?

The who and what we are is the very thing that makes us all so beautifully unique and special.

Having kids doesn’t make us less amazing workers. Likewise, being boss babes doesn’t make us less amazing mothers. Some women want both. Some would prefer to stay home with their kiddos fully. Others would prefer a standard 9-5. And some, like us, prefer to forge our own path–marching down this entrepreneurial path with our kiddos on our hips and hubbies at our sides. No matter what–each “balance” is different and deserves to be celebrated just the same. When we’re told we have to balance it all — giving equal care and attention to all things at all times–we feel instantly behind. But what if we reframed that together? What if instead of equal attention, we instead considered needed attention. Focusing on the parts that need us at each moment while integrating the other parts allows us to be strong in all areas–instead of just embracing half of who we are.

Carry On. Soldier On. Mom On.

It’s ok to be both–to be any version of the in between that YOU want. The greatest thing we’ve learned over the last 4 years is that roles in life ebb and flow. Much like the tides, they roll in beautifully and naturally–if we allow them. As business owners we’ve learned the value of hustling when needed-while embracing humbleness just as much, too. We have learned that taking the time to set foundations and boundaries in both your business life and personal life actually makes both run a lot smoother. Happy, fulfilled mama? Happy, fulfilled kiddos. Most of all, we have learned that acceptance leads to peace. Peace leads to positivity.


Well, a peaceful and positive woman can take on the world! <3

For more entrepreneurial virtual hugs, check out these blogs:

Becoming a Mom Boss

Finding Your Voice, Building Your Brand

Check out our reel on this topic on Instagram! Mompreneur Life


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